My GoNOMAD Features: Everything from Falmouth, MA to Croatia

Check out the rest of my GoNOMAD features that I wrote at my internship over the last semester. I had fun writing these and learning a ton about the travel industry and where it’s going.

The Palmer House Inn, where I stayed on my trip to Falmouth, MA

The Palmer House Inn, where I stayed on my trip to Falmouth, MA


One of the stories I wrote is about a tour you can take in western India that tracks the King Cobra, and another is about a Game of Thrones tour in Croatia where you can visit filming locations and see the places that inspired the series! Both of these tours are examples of the growing trend of experiential travel that people are starting to get more interested in and demand.

I also got to read, review and excerpt travel writing books for GoNOMAD. One of my favorites is “The Other Side of Paradise” by Julia Cooke. It’s about the author’s experiences living in post-Fidel Castro Cuba and what she finds. It shows what the trade embargo is like from the other side, and the list of problems the country still faces.

Enjoy reading my writing that will take you across the globe and into the world of modern travel while showing you what destinations are “hot” or up-and-coming in 2014.

The Penthouse room at the Palmer House Inn, complete with a Whirlpool Jacuzzi, king size bed, mini-fridge and master bathroom.

The Penthouse room at the Palmer House Inn, complete with a Whirlpool Jacuzzi, king size bed, mini-fridge and master bathroom.